Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Dark Knight Rises...will it be the best?


Well we all say how can ya out do the Heath Ledger's performance in Chris Nolans' trilogy of Batman films???....With out a doubt he made that move an incredible classic...but was he the only reason the franchise, led by Nolan's direction, is the only reason it has been successful?? As much as a Ledger fan that I am...I would probably give my my left nut to see Heath reprise his role as the joker in the third film as Nolan intended to do.....Get over's not happening. So what's a genius writer/director to do? I mean the man has to change his game plan up, and go a whole another direction? The dude was thrown a curve ball, but can he see it coming and hit the hell out of that ball and give it a grand slam? Yeah I think so...the man has an immaculate record...every movie he has made has been a classic, with "Insomnia" being his lowest point in his movie career, which was still in my opinion, an amazing film. I mean the man is still 6 for 6...My only problem with Chris Nolan is I think that he think that he can up with these great ideas for movies, but doesn't know how to finish them, so he lets the viewer decide. Which to me, entails laziness on his part. He usually only tends to do this with movies that he comes up with. So that excludes that Batman films...Either way, the man is a genius and I respect his privacy when it comes to his films. Whats wrong with a lil curiosity? Trailers for films give to much info as it is....just sayin! His talent for picking actors who fit the the parts of their character is quite remarkable, he has an eye for casting actors for certain parts with out a doubt. I'm extremely happy that he gave Joseph Gordon Levitt a chance to be in his overly hyped movie "Inception', but I'm even more happy that he recognized his talent and has chosen him to be in the third installment of the Batman franchise. JGL in my opinion will be one of the best actors of all time. I see so much potential in this guy and I respect his pride and integrity for his selection of movies. He takes his craft very seriously. When I found out he would not be playing the Riddler in the TDKR, I was highly disappointed, but yet I knew Nolan would not let this guy slip under his radar, and eventually gave him an intricate part in the film playing another character. Gary Oldman has already stated this movie will trump the previous two, and Gary doesn't just talk out of his ass..Chris Nolan knows that the pressure to make a movie as a good as TDK, is so valuable...That if it ends poorly, it very well could be extremely detrimental to his career or for that matter to his credentials. In my opinion, Nolan would have just quit with the whole thing if he felt like he did not have a suffice enough script to compete with its predecessor. Therefore I believe with the incredible cast of Bale, Oldman, Hardy, Hatheway(yeah go ahead and doubt her just like y'all did ledger and see who comes out winning). Nolan is no idiot and has always casted excellence, and would not jeopardize his legacy with some floozie who the studio's wanted, with the exception of Katie Holmes....The man knows what he is doing and knows that Hathaway has the capability of pulling this off. Some may argue that there are to many characters for one film, well folks this will be the last Nolan Batman movie so be glad he is giving the audience the most he can. Do not confuse Nolan with Rami nor Spiderman with Batman, Nolan will make this work and you will kneel once you see the final chapter of the best comic book movie legacy of all time...

Transformers 3 review...


Well I know that all you lil bloggers and geeks...nerds...losers...ect... hate Michel Bay....well...I respect the man's talent to make a good action movie. I don't go into a Bay film expecting Oscar worthy script writing...I expect shitloads of action and an entertaining time....Well Micheal Bay is obviously tired of the shit talking, because he took it to the next level with this one..I was never a huge Transformers fan, never really dug the cartoon, and quite honestly never really dug the first two films. That being said, this movie was worth the 10 dollars( matinee prices may I mention) to watch. The visuals are simply amazing, it gives Avatar an incredible run for its money. I'm a fan of Shia Labeouf, no matter how much of tool bag I think he may be, the dude is an excellent actor and takes his job seriously. It sucked not having Megan fox in the last installment, but wow...they found an adequate replacement...It just goes to show you in matter how good you look or how big your buzz might are replaceable, and that's exactly what they did, and they did it with the utmost slap in the face matter you could do it in. She is mentioned maybe two to three times in the film and they were actually polite when one of the auto bots referred to her as mean. They basically just made her character as if she never even really existed, as if her character was just a small part of the franchise, making Tyrese's character seem valuable....and that's baddddddd. No disrespect to "Baby Boy", but I'm just sayin...The movies story line actually had substance and actually made sense with few plot holes. If you you could go either way this movie, like myself; Then I say this...If you are going to watch this movie, don't waste your money watching it on dvd, this is a must see movie for 3D. Whether you hate the movie or not, give yourself more bang for the buck!! And watch it in theaters...If you think your to cool to go to the theater to watch it cause you don't care about the movie, but yet you will pay money to rent it; Than my friend...your not doing yourself any favors...Let me repeat this.......This is a must see movie for theaters!! In fact I would not watch it any other give it a try in theaters, and if you don't see it by then.....and your not a die hard fan...Than just don't bother seeing it at all. To sum it up this is the best transformers movie out of the three, hands down.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Why Megan Fox isn't in Transforners 2...


Well apparently Ms. Fox is an ungrateful bitch. It seems to be the cool thing in Hollywood to "diss" Micheal Bay. Say what you want about the guy but he knows how to make a blockbuster film, and make millions from every movie he makes.. Some directors are gifted in writing...editing, scoring, and so on and so on...Basically each director has their own niche. Micheal Bay's forte seems to be special effects and he is damn good at it, so good that Spielberg has got his back all day. To me Spielberg is to Bay, what Bay is to JJ Abrams. I mean when it comes down to it, can you name one Micheal Bay movie that has flopped? Didn't think so....So he pubically announced that the reason Fox was not in the third movies was due to Spielberg demanding she be fired. Micheal Bay was ok with being compared to Hitler....Stevo didn't take as well, after all he did direct Schlinders List....Just sayin...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

RIP Mr.Dunn


The young reality TV star Ryan Dunn died in a car crash in Pennsylvania early Monday morning. He was 34. Hours before the crash, Dunn posted a photo to Twitter, by way of his Tumbler blog, that depicted him drinking with friends.

An unidentified passenger also died in the crash. TMZ reported Dunn was the driver of the car and drugs may have been a factor.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Aziz and me finally meet...


I was one the lucky few who were able to see the movie "30 minutes or Less" at a certain festival, in which they had a special screening for true film majors/buffs. The producers made it clear no reviews or cell phones or notes were to be made while this movie was being screened, so just for safety, I wont review the movie till it comes out. But on a brighter side, Aziz did do a Q&A after the movie was over and let a few select people ask him some questions. I was one of the lucky ones to get to ask him a few questions, but I had to make it quick...nerves set in...will I be clever? Will I make a fool of myself? All these thoughts crossed my mind, first thing that came to mind "was how was it to like to work with Danny McBride?" then shortly after Aziz got comfortable, being the funny guy he is.......he says.."let me guess you guys wanna know how it was like to work with Danny McBride?" I looked at my buddy and said well dayum....So apparently I'm not that original, I just honestly didn't know everybody was on McBride's nuts like that. So Aziz being from the south like myself, I figured I'd ask him if he had any advice for film majors trying to make it from the south....Yeah I thought that would be pretty legit, but before i could say that...the minute my mouth reached the microphone....all I could say was "wowww I can't believe this is really happening right now". Aziz being the person he is, simply replied " what's not to believe? You stood up, walked over, and stood in front of the mic and spoke, now here we are!!?!??" The crowd got a kick out of it, as did I, hell it could have been alot worse: At least he got a good joke out of it...I continued to tell him I was a big fan of Parks and Rec, I wished the show and Ron Swanson good luck at the Emmy's and Critic choice awards. Then snuck in one more question about how many of his lines were written or improvised(a few specific ones. where he names the flowers by rapper's names and his classic food abbreviation spill. He simply replied "man it's just a little of both"..........................And that's all she wrote!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

East Bound and Down Season 3....


So East Bound and Down Season 3 will be filming this summer in Wilmington, North Carolina and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, back to its old roots. Our neck of the woods, so hopefully we will be on this set over the course of the summer with the exception of Myrtle Beach and as Kenny Powers says.."Doesn't matter, Clyde. The Pavilion is closed and... Myrtle Beach just ain't what it used to be." If your a southeast southerner, then you would know exactly what he means. Most of the show is usually filmed in Wilmington,NC. The show takes place in a real city called Shelby, NC. Which is basically a bum-fuck town in the outskirts of Charlotte NC. I have family there it truly is as depressing as they portray it. As we all now at the end of season 2 it looks like Kenny is going to be playing for the Myrtle Beach Pelicans, which is a legit Triple A ball team. Having many connections in myrtle beach I recently was shown a Myrtle Beach Pelicans schedule. One of their last games on the schedule says a special guest appearance by Kenny Powers. Tehy don't go into detail, but my guess is he throws the first pitch, waves his hat, and he is gone, either way I will be there and let you know how it goes...Danny McBride, Jody Hill and Ben Best are from my hometown,and are good people, I will keep you updated on the status of this show...For it is one of the best one on TV!!

Maybe the best X-Men movie yet...?


So I caught the midnight screening of X-Men: First Class at the Thursday midnight screening, and let me just say I had very high expectations!!! Kick Ass was surprisingly dark, original, and blew my expectations out the water. Once I saw this movie I had to find out who directed it..and at last I discovered the new and upcoming director Matthew Vaughn. I learned that he worked with Guy Ritchie on different projects which definitely peaked my interest and also explained his casting. So when I heard that he was directing this movie, I was instantly excited than..I saw the casting.... Immaculate!! I have to admit before I saw the movie "Wanted", I had no idea who James Mcavoy was...but I knew for a movie with an actor co-staring with Angelina Jolie...that he had to be legit. He turned out to be quite a delightful new actor that infiltrated my radar. So after learning that he was playing Professor X, I was totally fucking stoked!!! Then to top it off, Magneto was being played by Michael Fassbender from the movie 300, I just knew this was a classic in the making, not to mention a little Kevin Bacon sprinkled on top. I think January Jones did an excellent job as Emma Frost, Ive always been a fan of her, even before she starred in "Mad Men", which I still have yet to check out. Fro all the comic nerds who are all mad that they did not stick directly to the comics, remember this was produced by Byran Singer, who did the first two. the studio wants to keep all the x-men movies in the same world. So Mr. Vaughn could only do so much without contradicting what has happened in the previous X-men movies. Micheal Vaughn made the movie as dark as he could with a pg-13 movie. Sure there are some corny lines in the movie, but lets not forget this is a movie about mutants that are young and in their teenage years, some tackiness has to come into play at some point. Overall Jsmes Mcavoy plays one of the best younger Professor X's ever, his mannerisms, word play, his demeanor, and whole attitude is so similar to Patrick Stewart, it's uncanny. Its a refreshing X-Men with a refreshing director, till I see Green Lantern and Captain America, it is by far my favorite comic movie so far this summer...I give it a guaranteed must watch!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Hangover after the hangover....


Ok so let me just start by saying I saw this movie at the midnight screening on Wednesday, May 25th like I had originally posted. Well I had a few drinks before the show, not to mention I smuggled a few in while I was at it. However I was convinced that was completely sober enough to be buzzed and still remember the movie. Well it had not occurred to me that I had taken two Xanax earlier that day, I'm not joking folks. I can't believe the irony of this, but I literally woke up with absolutely no recollection of the movie what so ever!! I could barely recall the previews!! This wasn't really an intentional thing at all, I mean I do take Xanax quite often, but the mixture of liquor definitely took my memory far far away like Mel Gibson's career. Never the less I had to watch it over again, but before I did that; I actually watched X-Men's First Class before I got to to see the movie again, which I will get into on the next review.

     So let's talk Hangover 2.......hmmmmmm. Well let me say this, I came in with low expectations of this movie. I felt like it was rushed and just did not like the whole Thailand idea or as Alan likes to say "Thighland". Todd Phillips is someone I respect and admire as a comedic director. I think he is great at picking what actors to portray for what part when it comes to ensemble cast. I always enjoy the scoring of his movies and look forward to the soundtrack. I can honestly say I have absolutely enjoyed every movie he has ever made with the exception of School for Scoundrels, which was still pretty decent. I also have to mention that I'm a little bitter that they could never make an Old School sequel after 18 years....holy shit it has been 18 years?!?! Anyways....yet he can make a sequel to Hangover in 2? Todd Phillips usually is wise with his decisions and doesn't usually succumb to the millions the producers might throw his way, but as the Hangover 2 proves, everybody has a price including the actors who all returned knowing they weren't dealing with the same magic as the first. That being said...this still was a hilarious and entertaining film. The hype from he the first one is what kills it.....maybe if it was called "One Night in Bangkok" we would think differently. Like I mentioned earlier this movie was rushed and there is certain movies that you just know cannot be out done by the sequel. They follow the same path as first, just basically a different setting. Todd Phillips was not involved in the writing of the first one, yet he co-wrote the sequel. The sequel definitely takes the shock value to the next level, I don't know if they thought they had to do this to to out-do the first one or Todd Phillips is just a sick comedic perv and his input came in to play. Either way it is was worth the watch, but just don't expect it to be as as refreshing as the first!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Beginning


Well hey there my good folks and fans of the film world, this is officially our first post! And we just like to say we are absolutely thrilled with what is hopefully the beginning of something amazing. To give you a little info on us, we are all apart of the film industry in one way or another; whether it be acting, writing, producing, or directing, we cover all angles. We started this site out of our passion and love for film, but not only that, we want to share the love of the the interest in film . This blog will consist of several things;  providing information on upcoming movies, along with certain information on certain actors or certain films, we will be doing movie reviews and just basically our opinion on certain actors and films. If your wondering why there is a picture of Will Ferrell above this post, we felt it just seemed prudent at the time, for he is one of our favorites, and we kind of  seem to like that humor. Hope you guys enjoys this site and please feel free comment anytime, its ok to disagree, but it'd be cool if ya did it in the most positive way. Well friends I'm off to catch the midnight Screening of The Hangover part 2, I felt like this movie was rushed and maybe I'm bitter that Todd Phillips, the director of both movies, could not give Old School the same kind of treatment. Either way I'm going in with low expectations but with high hopes, if that makes any sense....Take care folks and will have the review by sometime tomorrow.